Virtual Trip announced today that is a proud sponsor of the EXECOM conference, organized by YES - European Confederation of Young Entrepreneurs, taking Place in Thessaloniki, Greece from June 24th to June 26th 2010.
The conference subject is "Uncovering the EU Structural weaknesses through the Greek crisis - Start up Entrepreneurship and Investing in Inventiveness and Green Economy is the European Answer" and the program includes an impressive line-up of Key-Note Speakers lead by the Prime Minister of the Hellenic Republic Mr. George Papandreou and important entrepreneurs, politicians, activists and academics. Precisely, the key-note speakers list is the following:
* George Papandreou, Prime Minister of the Hellenic Republic
* Yiannis Boutaris, Politician, Activist, Founder of the Kir-Yianni Wines
* Marc Dangeard, Founder of the Entrepreneur Commons
* Ferda Kertmelioglu, Chairman of Mobilera
* Henri Malosse, President of the European Economic & Social Committee - Employers Group
* Stefanos Manos, Politician, frm. Minister of Finance
* Claire Munck, Managing Director of European Business Angels Network
* Gregory Prastacos, Rector of the Athens University of Economics & Business
* Marco Veremis, Chairman of Upstream
Moreover, the 2nd Greek Start-up Forum will take place the first day of the EXECOM, on Thursday June 24th from 18:00 to 21:00. Five innovative start-ups will be presented together with the Openfund, the CEE Chips Investment Network and the Science & Technology Park of Crete. Epignosis, a leading company of the Virtual Trip Entrepreneurial Ecosystem, will be one of the five start-ups to be presented.
Dimitris Tsigos, Virtual Trip Founder & CEO, said: "Europe is under a severe financial crisis, the worst since the end of the 2nd World War. The ultimate tragedy of WW2 lead to the birth of the European Idea, the vision of a great single European country. European Union has been the outcome of the efforts towards materializing this vision and the Monetary Union, the Eurozone, doubtlessly is the most important milestone till today.The current financial crisis has made clear though that a number of structural weaknesses have to be overcome for building a truly united Europe on a solid ground. One major part of the weaknesses concerns decision making and economic governance. We are very happy to watch recently the European Council initiating the process of addressing this challenge. However, another set of weaknesses, at least of the same importance with economic governance, has to do with entrepreneurial culture, spirit and investing in inventiveness, domains where Europe has to perform much better in the future for remaining sustainable and keeping its leading position in the global economy."
Please visit the conference program page here and the registration page here.