Entrepreneurial Ecosystem

Monday, September 6, 2010

A big, sincere and warm "Thank you"

Exactly tean years ago, on Tuesday September 5th 2000, Virtual Trip Ltd was founded in Heraklion, Crete.

The founders of the company were Periklis Akritidis, Miltos Vassilakis, Nikos Ventouras, Charalambos Gikas, Dimitris Tsigos and criticalpublics.com, a company founded by Costis Dallas and Alexandros Kouris.

Virtual Trip was a student start-up in the ICT sector, based in Heraklion, Crete at the Science & Technology Park of Crete. We all know that success was anything but obvious.

On tha occasion of our 10th birthday, I'd like to say a big, sincere and warm "Thank you" to my Virtual Trip founding partners! Without them, our entrepreneurial ecosystem would never have existed. So, Costi & Alexandre, Perikli, Milto, Niko & Chari, thank you very much for taking the risk and starting Virtual Trip! Over all, thank you for setting the culture of technical excellence, "aim high" and extroversion, which have been the success ingridients for our venture.

Virtual Trip has evolved to a dynamic entrepreneurial ecosystem of hight-tech ICT companies. In our second decade we'll try even harder to materialize our vision for greek high-tech companies competing successfully in the global market.

As far as I am concerned, the main lesson learnt from these ten years is very simple: "It's all about people". Only people can make the difference. So, our objective remains to get people excited with high-technology, both for producing and for using/consuming it.

We're still in the begining, all the best is yet to come :)

Thank you very much,

Dimitris Tsigos
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