Entrepreneurial Ecosystem

Thursday, April 3, 2008

mVision Network Solutions exhibitor at ExpoSec 08!

mVision ® Network Solutions, Spin-Off company of the V.Trip Group, is pleased to announce that the second edition of mVision Surveillance™ platform was presented at ExpoSec 2008 which was dedicated to "Homeland & Corporate Security". The ExpoSec 08 was held on 1-2 April 2008 at Zappeion Megaron, Athens (Greece).

The first international event of its kind in Greece, ExpoSec is an annual Security Conference and Exhibition staged in Athens since 2002, aiming to examine the most recent views, findings and technologies regarding security and safety issues.

The mVision Surveillance™ service allows everyone to effectively surveil their area even if they are absent, by delivering real-time video to handheld devices. For the safety of your private area, security companies may not be enough as they cannot provide the best and safest solution. MVNS has already launched WIND My Show and Conn-X View along with OTE providing local recording via 3G Video Call.

On behalf of MVNS, Manos Moschous, Technical Director, presented the Remote Mobile Surveillance in the 7th Security Conference on Wednesday 2nd of April 2008.

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