elearningeuropa.info is the main medium established by the European Commission to promote the use of multimedia technologies and Internet at the service of education and training.
Epignosis (represented to this medium from Mr. Athanasios Papagelis) was elected as the Greek based portal collaborator. For a current list of collaborators check: http://www.elearningeuropa.info/main/index.php?page=fix&id=12

Under this role, Athanasios Papagelis represented Greece on the Workshop that was held on Brussels at 30 October 2008. The aim of this workshop was to bring together portal collaborators at a European level to discuss and exchange ideas about the current and future status of distant training.
For more info on the workshop and a personal view on what was discussed you may check our detailed forum post at: http://forum.efrontlearning.net/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=364