Entrepreneurial Ecosystem

Friday, October 2, 2009

New VARs join our Global eFront Community

It is our pleasure to welcome our new VARs that have joined our Global eFront family and will strengthen our efforts to promote eFront to practically all over the world!

Among them, I would like to highlight on ZICON Ltd. our first appointed VAR located in Middle East (Pakistan and UAE), and stress our great pleasure to make eFront available in this Region as well.

Let us introduce our new VARs

1. Skillspark (Canada) http://skillspark.ca
2. MultiEducation (US - Texas & Mexico) http://multieducacion.com
3. RK Software (US - New York) http://www.rksoftwareinc.com
4. Ballistic Learning (India) http://ballisticlearning.com
5. Seminars2you (Germany) http://www.seminars2you.com
6. Click & Learn (Austria) http://www.clickandlearn.eu
7. Zicon Ltd (UAE – Pakistan) http://www.ziconel.com

Our expansion plans are not ended up here as we are receiving a tremendous interest from many organizations that would like to enter into our growing family and serve our existing as well as our potential eFront fans all around the globe.

New VARs to be appointed from Norway, Sweden, Turkey, Ukraine, India, UK, Brazil and more to come!

Thank you all for your valuable contribution and support!

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