Entrepreneurial Ecosystem

Thursday, March 18, 2010

IT Center participates in Infrapedia 2010 presenting eFront, Diagramma and SOLO Gateway platforms

IT Center which is the distributor in Greece and Cyprus for all products of the entrepreneurial ecosystem Virtual Trip has announced its participation to the 2nd Exhibition of Infrastructure and Equipment for Educational Centers- Infrapedia 2010.

IT Center will focus on promoting of the e- Learning platform “eFront”, to the integrated information management system of educational institutions “Diagramma” as well as “SOLO Gateway” software, which is an excellent solution for educational institutions to have computing and communications infrastructure.

In the education sector, the solutions of IT Center, are based on the software platforms eFront, Diagramma and SOLO Gateway, allow the educational institution to use the new technology both to increase dramatically the quality of educational services and to significantly improve the organization, management and productivity.

IT Center started operating in 2009 creating a national network of partners and operating IT Center stores in selected areas. The company aims to bridge the gap between IT and communication needs of SMEs and various solutions in the market. Promoting the concept of "one-stop-shop" for all IT and communication needs becomes a strategic partner to small business and helps them to modernized, develop further and overcome the economic crisis.

Infrapedia 2010 will be held on Saturday 20 and Sunday, March 21 at Zappeion.

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