Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Virtual Trip materialized major international expansion in 2009
-Virtual Trip Spain SL, the first Group Antenna Office started its operations in Madrid - Spain, EU, in January 2009, contributing to the promotion of Group products in Iberia and in Latin America. New antenna offices will be founded in 2010 in New York - US, London - UK, Mumbai - India and Nicosia - Cyprus.
- Actech LLC, a new Virtual Trip venture in Akron -OH, US, was founded in September 2009 to promote Group products, starting from the Group flagship product SOLO Gateway, to the US market.
- eFront, the Virtual Trip e-learning offering by EPIGNOSIS, materialized a major expansion of its international VAR Partners network from 5 partners in January to 33 Partners in December.
- Insurance Manager, Virtual Trip's integrated business software solution for insurance agents and brokers materialized its first sales abroad, having approximately 10 installations in Cyprus.
- Mobile Social, the unique mobile social networking UGC/gaming platform by MVNS has been tested by more than 10 MNOs across EU and relevant services will be launched in Q1/2010
- SOLO Gateway, beyond its introduction to the US market by Actech LLC, is in the process of creating an international VAR Partners network with more than 40 members in Africa, Asia, Latin America and EU
Virtual Trip is committed to continue its international growth at even higher pace in 2010. Beyond eFront e-Learning, SOLO Gateway, Mobile Social and Insurance Manager, a new portfolio of high-tech software products will be promoted to the international market, including OpenVote secure internet voting system, S4Trips electronic tourism services distribution platform, Publisher integrated newspapers publishing platform and the Diagramma Student Information System.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Virtual Trip introduces the concept of the "Entrepreneurial Ecosystem"
""An entrepreneurial ecosystem is a group of non-competing companies, including start-ups, established companies and one or more coordination entities, which share the same vision, values, culture, strategy and business processes and decide to form an organization in order to explore economies of scale in business functions such as business development, financing, market analysis, marketing communications, IT / MIS infrastructure, human capital management, legal support, financial & accounting management.""
In Virtual Trip we suggest that this new form of business network is ideal for the development of new ventures in related fields; We announce an open invitation to high-tech start-up companies worldwide which would be interested in joining our ecosystem as well as an open-invitation to angel investors and VC funds who are interested in supporting this first entrepreneurial ecosystem.
Moreover, we would be very glad to share our experience and know-how to other groups of start-ups which would be interested in forming entrepreneurial ecosystems.
Friday, October 2, 2009
Telenor for eFront!
Telenor’s e-learning portal is hosted by the Norwegian e-learning company New Learning which also delivers all content, and powered by eFront’s LMS platform. This project takes advantage of eFront’s wide technological support, great customization possibilities and advanced tracking and reporting tools. Courses delivered in the portal take full advantage of multimedia learning, and use sound, video, animations and interactivity.
This learning platform will be the premier learning site for Telenors mobile services in Norway, and will most likely service in excess of 100 000 users, from several thousand companies nationwide. The LMS is adapted for Telenor’s needs by giving it a brand new interface, in keeping with Telenor’s visual profile, as well as a Single Sign-On solution.
New VARs join our Global eFront Community
Among them, I would like to highlight on ZICON Ltd. our first appointed VAR located in Middle East (Pakistan and UAE), and stress our great pleasure to make eFront available in this Region as well.
Let us introduce our new VARs
1. Skillspark (Canada) http://skillspark.ca
2. MultiEducation (US - Texas & Mexico) http://multieducacion.com
3. RK Software (US - New York) http://www.rksoftwareinc.com
4. Ballistic Learning (India) http://ballisticlearning.com
5. Seminars2you (Germany) http://www.seminars2you.com
6. Click & Learn (Austria) http://www.clickandlearn.eu
7. Zicon Ltd (UAE – Pakistan) http://www.ziconel.com
Our expansion plans are not ended up here as we are receiving a tremendous interest from many organizations that would like to enter into our growing family and serve our existing as well as our potential eFront fans all around the globe.
New VARs to be appointed from Norway, Sweden, Turkey, Ukraine, India, UK, Brazil and more to come!
Thank you all for your valuable contribution and support!
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
VTrip Group gets two more member companies

Each company will continue the further development and promotion of the individual product lines formerly distributed by Virtual Trip. All intellectual property rights, personnel, and operations concerning the two former business units will be transferred respectively to the new companies.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Epignosis continues its expansion plans increasing the VAR network across the globe!
Namely, eFront is currently distributed by local representatives in the US, Argentina, Australia, UK, France, Germany, Netherlands, Denmark, Russia, Poland, Greece, India, Singapore and Egypt!!!
Therefore, we would like to take this opportunity and welcome to our global VAR network our new partners:
- Liquid Knowledge Group (US)
- MLAKedusoln LLC (US)
- e-ABC (Argentina)
- Dgroup Consulting (Australia)
- e3vision (UK)
- e-learning solutions (France)
- Elsa24.de (Germany)
- Prestin (Poland)
- Abbris (Russia)
We will keep you updated with more info regarding the new partners that will very soon join our VAR network, facilitating even more the distribution of eFront to worldwide organizations (US, Mexico, Canada, Germany, Turkey, India, Norway …to follow)
Thank you for your support so far!
Friday, June 19, 2009
Evangelos Kotsovinos joins Virtual Trip as Chief Strategy Officer
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Solo Gateway and eFront go to the Growth Company Investor Show!

We will be there! The V.Trip Group will join this event, presenting it's two flagship products, Solo Gateway and eFront. Both products internationally established, and were presented successfully during the last month on the Training & Development Conference 2009 and Telecommunication, Media and Technology Conference 2009.

Thursday, May 28, 2009
Virtual Trip at the FT Telecommunications, Media and Technology Conference
Solo Telco Gateway is a new, one-of-a-kind integrated platform for Telecommunications Providers, that allows them to deliver Unified Communications services to Small and Medium Businesses (SMBs).

It is based on a device that is installed in the SMB's premises which in turn is always connected with the Telco's Data Center, via the broadband service chosen by the SMB. While all services appear local to the SMB user, critical ones like Web and e-mail are hosted at the Telco's Data Center, thus making the best of both worlds: fast and efficient local services -such as telephony, fax and surveillance, and robust, always-on website and email service.
The solution is offered as a service to the SMBs, only adding a small monthly fee to their telephony and broadband bill. The return is immediate, since there are major savings in running costs and a significant increase of the SMB's productivity.
That combined with zero investment from the SMB side and a huge competitive advantage in the critical SMB market for the Telco, Solo Telco Gateway is an offer that is hard ofr any party to refuse!
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Next Generation Learning Services (NGLS) presents its innovative elearning services & tools at the Training and Development Conference 2009

NGLS a member of the V.Trip Group of companies, is participating at the Training and Development Conference 2009 that takes place on May 25th, 2009 at the OTEAcademy, Pelika & Spartis 1, Marousi, Athens.
On behalf of NGLS, Mr. Tsigos Dimitrios, General Manager, is going to present the views of the company on the subject :"eFront: A new approach to Social Learning - eLearning 2.0"
NGLS brings together technology, educational methodologies and synergies through strategic partnerships in order to offer unique services in the fields of education and training making use of advanced methods of mixed education/training and technologies of information and communication .
NGLS's solutions are aiming to help companies to:
• Test the knowledge of (candidate) employees (gap-analysis)
• Organize training materials as training courses
• Build user-tailored training paths based on organization needs
• Minimize the organization's training costs
• Pin-point the best candidates for tasks
• Fulfill the inner-organization communication needs
• Preserve the company knowledge
• Certify the employee knowledge
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Virtual Trip delivers High-Performance Computing in Computational Molecular Biology
The project developed a methodology and related computational tools that assist in the design and synthesis of durgs, that are capable of inhibiting the undesired actions of certain proteins and enzyms. Virtual Tri

The above outcomes, combined with recent global research results from cancer research, immunology and cardiology can potentially lead to the development of a wide range of antibiotics, to the cure of certain forms of cancer and to the reduction of cholesterol and the atheromatic plaque (which cause cardiovascul

Virtual Trip and the Univ. of Crete are committed to followup this research work and proceed with the real synthesis and clinical testing of the PA.MICH results, as well as to extend the application domain of this methodology and tools to other areas.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Virtual Trip submits five business plans to the Athnes 10th Venture Capital Forum

The Virtual Trip Group has announced that participates to the 10th Venture Capital Forum via the submission of five independent business plans of equal group spin-out companies. Specifically, the plans that have been submitted are of the following companies:
- EPIGNOSIS Ltd, vendor of the eFront e-learning platform
- MVNS SA, vendor of the mVision mobile services platform
- NGLS SA, provider of the StudyBox on-line learning service
- Solo Gateway, new spin-out, vendor of the homonym unified communications gateway
- Insurance Manager, new spin-out vendor, of the homonym information system for insurance agencies and brokers
Virtual Trip, after having grown organically 60 times in revenue and 12 times in human-resources since its foundation in September 2000 at the Science & Tecnology Park of Crete - Greece, aims to raise capital for boosting its expansion to the international markets while retaining the technology edge and publishing new products both with VC Funding and with entering the PLUS stock-exchange.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
IT Center signs digital signage contract with OSFE - Hellenic Federation of Pharmacists Cooperatives

IT Center Ltd, the new Virtual Trip Group Spin-Out, has signed a strategic contract with OSFE - the Hellenic Federation of Pharmacists Cooperatives, in a J/V with BIS, a systems integrator specialized in VoIP solutions.
The OSFE contract includes a digital signage project, where high-quality monitors will be installed to a large number of Pharmacies around Greece leading to the creation of a highly targeted, interactive and centrally managed advertising infrastructure as well as an e-learning facility for the continues learning of the members of the Federation. Last but not least, web- and mobile-surveillance tools and VoIP access will be offered tou Federation-members, countrywide.
The technical infrastructure for the digital signage project is the Solo Gateway while for the e-learning part it's the eFront platform and the mVision Surveillance provides for the security surveillance service.
IT Center Ltd aims to the provision of cutting-edge systems integration services specially designed for small & medium enterprises. IT Center operations will be based on a B2B portal and a network of stores around Greece. The portal and the first store will be launched in June 2009.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
April CLO Summit in Florida
April 09 CLO Summit - What an event! Intense timeframes, multiple meetings, overlapping attendance on the stand and great fun! I really believe we did a fantastic job as a team and worked well to achieve the unofficial "Most Talked- About Company" award. And lets not forget the dance of century, on stage with Thanos and those beautiful Polynesian grass skirted girls! (George set that YouTube up as soon as possible ok?)
However, apart from he self congratulatory emotions I must say that the event contained a staggering number of Fortune 100 companies and C level executives who may not have the technical buying power but certainly have the internal needs and therefore influence, in other words they are the internal customer for IT.
I fervently believe Epignosis is building a good reputation in the US now, its the 2nd CLO event and clearly we were recognized by some and welcomed by others. Commitment to the industry and these high profile customers is a key action at this stage of our development and go-to-market plan. We must be seen and heard at all levels starting from the top so that when our network of VARs is selling they are met with confidence.
It was clear from the CLO that the market is growing, developing and open. Our competitors have had a head start but by no means blocking entrance for us and perhaps even paving the way for the next gen platform of which we are. It was commented many times that our Features and Benefits far out weigh many of the others and if there was any way they could switch to eFront they would there and then!
We met with VARs too. Both from the technical and content standpoint, which is healthy mix to extend the reach from all sides and we will be perusing them with equal vigor. VARs will be the weapon of choice to increase the sales delta as rapidly as possible as they are keen to leverage our understanding, easy to use next generation platform.
Here is to great success in the States!
Thank you to all who participated and supported us.
Monday, April 6, 2009
Multirama becomes the first Solo Gateway Platinum VAR

The Greek IT retail giant Multirama (MULr.at) is the new VAR for Solo Gateway, and the first one to be awarded the Platinum Partner level.
Solo Gateway is a Unified Communications solution that can fully address the ICT needs of organizations of every size, since the different versions of the product range from the Small Business Edition for SoHo environments starting at €600 for up to 5 users, up to the Enterpise Maximum Security Edition that can cover for multi-point VPNs and high-availability Data Centers.
All versions include Security packages (antispam, antivirus, backup), Collaboration tools (address books, calendar, instant messaging), various Server functions (File / Web / Mail / Proxy Server), while the proposal stands out by incorporating a complete PBX (Analogue, digital and VoIP with full Fax Server) and CCTV + DVR system (that records and transmits the signal from IP cameras to the Web, and mobile at all times)
"We are very proud that through the B2B channel, as well as the country-wide retail network of 70 Multirama stores, Solo Gateway -the flagship product of the v.trip Group- will cover the needs of Greek small businesses and beyond. It is a great opportunity to provide a complete solution that confronts the current recession period, with very low initial investment and immediate cost savings", said Georgios Glinos, Solo Gateway Sales Manager for Solo Gateway.
"By adding Solo Gateway to the B2B product range of Multirama, we indicate once more our persistence in choosing leading edge technologies to cover the needs of Greek businesses. We hope to kick-start the fruitful collaboration with v.trip Group by bundling of Solo Gateway with branded Server hardware" said George Kassiteropoulos, Senior Product Manager of Multirama.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Virtual Trip moves in new HQ bulding in Athens
The interior design is based on the concept of open spaces and designed to boost team-members collaboration. Providing a high-end working environment in terms of usefulness, easiness and design remains a key-objective for Virtual Trip which is greatly materialized in this exciting new workspace.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
EPIGNOSIS partcipates to the Chief Learning Officer Summit 2009
Monday, March 23, 2009
Virtual Trip joins the Hellenic Semiconductor Industries Association
In 2007 Virtual Trip had announced its decision to enter the semiconductor market through the creation of the Integrated Systems Group as a part of its Division of Services. The ISG personnel includes five in-house engineer, highly skilled, with solid theoretical background and broad practical experience gained during their involvement in large scale projects for customers such as Hewlett Packard Labs, Sun Microsystems, ST Microelectronics and AMCC.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Professor Christos Nikolaou honours Virtual Trip Group undertaking the position of the Group Non- Executive Chairman
Such a significant academic, will play a vital role to the Group’s strategic growth plan. Vtrip is already close to finalize agreements with private investors, while recently has established a branch in Spain in order to expanded its activities.
Moreover, the group is preparing for the necessary procedures in order to enter Britain’s stock market, PLUS. A key role is played by the non-executive board which will be chaired by Christos Nikolaou. He will be responsible of ensuring the Group’s strategy in compliance with his personal principles and values.
In welcoming Prof. Nikolaou, Dimitris Tsigos Virtual Trip’s Chief Executive Officer, has noted “In Virtual Trip, we are putting a great effort into creating a Greek Group of cutting edge companies which will find the path to success towards the Global market. I believe that our core values, venture, innovation, quality, worth and commitment, comprise a strong foundation to help us achieve this difficult goal, which Professor Christos Nikolaou will crucially fortify by undertaken the role of Non-Executive Chairman.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
V.trip Group Visit to Sri Lanka and India: A Great Success for Business and Pleasure
Of course Solo Gateway, the flagship product of the group could not be missed out on a venture to an area where small businesses - the main target group of Solo - are counted in millions, so Georgios Glinos, Solo Gateway Sales Manager was to follow along.
Since there was little room for Solo to prepare for Sri Lanka, the team was initially split and while the eFront team were supporting their bid in the uproar of Colombo, Georgios visited Mumbai (Bombay), where he met with teams of Tata Communications a member of the Tata Group, as well as Reliance Globalcomm, a member of Anil Dhirubhai Ambani Group. The Solo Strategy for India is to gain acces to the vast and ever-growing small business market of the country, both via retail channels as well as a value added product for the broadband product lines of ISPs.
The two teams joined up in N. Delhi, where the took the chance of a sunny Sunday to also pay a visit to one of India's marvels, the mausoleum of Taj Mahal.
The week started off with marathon meetings with local eFront partners Deeksha Systems and newly agreed C2 Workshop, as well as many other potential partners for Solo and/or eFront. Tuesday continued with meetings with @Soft Services that we had met in Patras as well as e-learning giant NIS Sparta, another member of the Anil Dhirubhai Ambani Group
Tuesday evening was concluded with the celebration of Georgios's 35th birthday and then Wednesday was sightseeing day until we had to part with that charming and welcoming country.
Friday, February 20, 2009
The TIGER project awarded CELTIC-Gold
The TIGER project ("Together IP, GMPLS and Ethernet Reconsidered"), a EUREKA-CELTIC international industrial cooperation project, in which Virtual Trip has participated through GSRT and recently successfully completed, has been awarded the gold CELTIC Excellence Award.
The TIGER (EU) project has been considered a very successful project by the CELTIC organization and its sequel, TIGER-2, has been strongly favoured and encouraged by CELTIC.
Virtual Trip has participated in the European consortium of the TIGER project as partner and work-package (WP4) leader, having contributed innovative network simulation and analysis tools and methods, incl. one conference paper publication. The consortium included partners such as Alcatel-Lucent, Orange - France Telecom, Nokia-Siemens, FORTH, Univ. Politecnica de Catalunya, RAD Data Communications, ENST, IBBT, etc.
The "TIGER Tool", an Approximate Mean Value Analysis Solver tool, has been presented in the 8th IASTED Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Networks (PDCN 2009), in Innsbruck, Austria (16-18 Feb. 2009), by Dr. Fotis K. Liotopoulos, Director of Virtual Trip's RTD dept., who also co-chaired the "Algorithms" sessions of that conference.
The "TIGER Tool" is a unique and very flexible, high-level performance analysis tool, which can be used for the design and sizing of large Metropolitan Ethernet networks, consisting of several thousands of network nodes and millions of customer services.
The tool is highly parametric and solves very complex, closed, fixed-queueing network models of large metropolitan networks in only a few seconds!
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Virtual Trip Spain S.L. materialized!
Virtual Trip Group office in Madrid is the first of the "antenna offices" that we plan to establish around the globe trying to analyze local markets, adjust the marketing mix of our products to meet local requirements and, over all, to select the appropriate value-added resellers.
The Madrid office is of strategic importance both for the Iberian peninsula and for the Latin American countries. Beyond these very interesting territories, which do offer huge growth potential, Virtual Trip Spain S.L. will also be responsible for the emerging markets of Northern Africa.
The Virtual Trip Group has already established partnerships in Spain with prestigious companies such as Cystelcom and Dialcom. In the first steps of the office focus will be to promoting eFront, Solo and mVision while the rest of the Group products are going to be adjusted to the needs of its target market.
The establishment of Virtual Trip Spain S.L. is the first step to the international expansion of our Group, a strategic choice for achieving our vision: to materialize innovation.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Virtual Trip Group celebrates the traditional cake for 2009

Katerina (HR)

Eating and drinking

Periklis (Infomap) and John (Solo)