Entrepreneurial Ecosystem

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Fujitsu Australia- New Zealand chooses eFront to be their LMS

A recent significant addition to the rapid expansion of Epignosis international customer base is the agreement with Fujitsu Australia- New Zealand. In the context of this project, Fujitsu will use eFront platform for managing its human capital, starting with 2,500 users while it is expected that the total amount of users will have reached the 7,500 users by the end of 2010.

Fujitsu Australia- New Zealand is a provider of integrated information and communications technology solutions. Ranging from strategic consulting to application and infrastructure solutions and services, Fujitsu has earned reputation as the single supplier of choice for leading corporate and government organizations. Therefore, Fujitsu has developed a network of over 10 million customers and 160,000 professional staff in 60 countries around the world. In Australia and New Zealand Fujitsu has 10,000 staff.

EPIGNOSIS Ltd is a fast growing, young, dynamic, and technology oriented ELearning Company. Based in Athens – Greece, it’s a member of the Virtual Trip Entrepreneurial Ecosystem, together with other twelve high-tech companies in Greece, Spain and the US. EPIGNOSIS Ltd, is the vendor of “eFront” e-Learning platform, envisages e-Learning 2.0 as the dominant approach for human capital development, education & training services.

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