Entrepreneurial Ecosystem

Monday, February 22, 2010

Transformation Services Laboratory receives a SERVICE COMPUTATION 2009 Award

A research paper on "Enhancing Service Network Analysis and Service Selection Using Requirements-Based Service Discovery", which had been submitted to the "SERVICE COMPUTATION 2009 - The First International Conferences on Advanced Service Computing" by Konstantinos Zachos, Christos Nikolaou, Pantelis Petridis, George Stratakis, Manolis Voskakis, and Eyaggelos Papathanasiou, has received an award by the reviewers.

The research team is composed by members of the Transformation Services Laboratory at the University of Crete in cooperation with the S-Cube Network of Excellence, lead by Prof. Christos Nikolaou while the paper which received the award is part of the TSL efforts to link requirements engineering to service value networks.

Virtual Trip is a research partner of TSL and proud to support one of its major activities, The Second Service and Software Architectures, Infrastructures and Engineering (SSAIE) Summer School.

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