The eFront team is very happy to announce the following summer contests as a gesture of goodwill towards their supportive community, Facebook fans and eFront users at large. Four contests will be hosted simultaneously, with the same opening, closing and judging dates. Each entry will be made publicly available and judged by the eFront community and a panel of eFront experts.
The entry to get the most votes in each contest wins $400 in cash and a Community++ version of eFront. In order to participate, just send an email to
contest@efrontlearning.net This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it , stating the contest you are participating in, a description and an attachment of your contribution or, depending on its nature, a URL so we can check it online. The voting procedure will be announced as we approach the voting period.
Furthermore, apart from prizes awarding the winning entries, each entry and its creator will benefit from extended exposure to the eFront community and user base. All entries will be judged based on their depth, originality, quality, usefulness and objectivity.
Contest DatesOpening date for receiving entries – 1st June 2010
Closing date for receiving entries – 31st August 2010
Dates for judging winning entries – 1st-16th September 2010
Announcement of winning entries – 17th September 2010
For more information or any queries regarding these contests, contact us on
contest@efrontlearning.net This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .
THE CONTESTSTheme creation contesteFront offers an advanced theme functionality which allows users to alter the “look and feel” aspect of eFront. This ensures that the specific needs and tastes of users and organisations are accommodated.
This is where this contest begins. Create a theme for eFront embodying but no limited to: a consistent colour coded background, alternate layouts and a variety of font settings of your choice. Make sure that each theme can be applied to major browsers. The theme to get the most votes wins.
For more information regarding eFront themes please click
Module creation contestModules are additional programming components that are designed to enhance eFront under various dimensions. Modules can integrate eFront with various third party software systems or extend its functionality. Please check the
developers section on how to create a module. This is where this contest begins. Create a module that enhances eFront functionality with a feature that you believe is missing or integrate eFront with a third party system of your choice. The module to get the most votes wins.
More information and a current list of officially supported external modules can be found by clicking
Video review contestThis contest will let you utilize your video creating and editing skills while reviewing eFront. Create a video or animation highlighting and describing the eFront software and post it on Youtube, Metacafe or Vimeo. You can create as many videos as you want! The video with the most votes wins.
Blog article contestThis contest will boost you creative skills while writing a blog review about eFront. Create and publish articles that describe and review eFront, compare its functionality with other learning systems, describe usage scenarios or your favorite features. Use your imagination and create something useful and objective. You can create as many blog entries as you want! The blog entry with the most votes wins.
Please submit this announcement anywhere you find fit